This recognized training program will give you the operational means, with powerful tools, to better understand your own behaviors, better understand those of others, and adapt your communication to develop and maintain an effective and peaceful professional relationship.
During each session, participants will move from theory to practice, with exercises to ensure they have acquired the necessary skills.
Each participant completes a questionnaire prior to the training session, which enables them to receive their personality inventory on the first day of group training.

With Process Communication Model, you will be able to:

Identify your personality type and that of the people you are dealing with.

Identify stressful situations for yourself and others. And learn how to manage and anticipate them.

Adapt your communication to the person you are talking to.

Identify and manage the sequence of stresses unique to each personality type and resolve conflicts more effectively.

Identify your psychological needs in order to stay motivated, and thus those of your contacts.


Process Communication has been evolving for more than forty years. It was developed in the 1970s by American psychologist Taibi Kahler, Ph.D.

In 1977, his work was rewarded with the Eric Berne scientific prize.

In 1978, Dr. Terry MacGuire, a psychiatrist in charge of recruiting and training NASA astronauts, asked her to help with the candidate selection process. This is how NASA funds its research work as part of the recruitment of astronauts.

 You should know that the majority of aerospace missions that have failed have been because of relationship problems that the teams have encountered in space.

This is how Taibi Kahler developed an astronaut selection questionnaire. This questionnaire is the same as the one that is asked of you before the training.


To the best

In everyone

PROCESS COM® Trainings :

  • Process Com Discovery – 1 Day 

  • Process Com® LEVEL 1 – 3 Days

  • Process Com® LEVEL 2 – 3 Days

The offer can be adapted to your needs. Please contact me with the following form: